Asset Retire

Note: In order to retire an asset, the role of the logged-in user must contain the Retire feature.

A retired asset is removed from inventory and placed in the Retire table of the database for history and reporting purposes. Retiring an asset removes the asset from active status. Once retired, the asset is deleted from inventory and no asset management functions (i.e., check out, check in, reservation, asset move, maintenance order, calibration order) may be performed on the asset. If a user retires an asset that is checked out, the asset is removed from check out status upon being retired. If a user retires an asset that is reserved, the asset is removed from reserved status upon being retired. An asset may be retired in IntelliTrack Mobile at the Retire form. A retired asset may be viewed or reactivated in the main IntelliTrack web application; see "Reactivating a Retired Asset".

To retire an asset via IntelliTrack Mobile, please refer to the steps that follow.

Note: The entries on forms throughout the application may be scanned or entered via the device keypad. If drop-down boxes are available, entries may also be selected from lists.

  1. From the Main form, select the Assets button. The Assets menu appears.

Main screen - Assets menu

  1. Select Retire from the Assets menu. The Retire form appears.

Retire screen

  1. To retire an asset, enter the asset number in the Asset No. field. of the asset that is being retired.
  2. Save icon: click the Save iconSave icon to retire the asset.
  3. After the asset is retired, it is no longer found in asset inventory and no asset functions may be performed on it. If the asset was contained in asset inventory, the asset is removed from asset inventory once it is retired. If upon being retired, the asset is checked out to an assignee, the asset will be removed from the check out list. If upon being retired, the asset is reserved to an assignee, the asset will be removed from the list of reserved assets for this assignee.
  4. IntelliTrack Mobile Batch: the asset retire is placed in the upload table. The asset retire will be integrated into the main database upon data upload and processing.
  5. IntelliTrack Mobile RF: the asset retire is immediately integrated into the main database.
  6. Cancel icon: click the Cancel iconCancel icon to cancel retiring this asset.